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From November 8, 2023 to January 31, 2024 get Cash Back up to $4,000 (the “Cash Back”) when you obtain a BMO Fixed or Variable Rate Closed Term
mortgage or Homeowner ReadiLine® (instalment) with a term of 3 years or longer (“BMO Mortgage”), subject to the following terms and conditions:
- Offer is applicable on residential mortgages and Homeowner ReadiLine® (instalment) mortgages with minimum instalment balance of $100,000.
- Offer is available for new purchases and customers transferring or refinancing their mortgage from another financial institution.
To qualify for the Cash Back, you must:
1a. $1,000 Offer:
Apply for a new BMO Mortgage for the purpose of a new property purchase or a switch of your existing mortgage from another financial institution
between November 8, 2023 to January 31, 2024, for a principal amount of $100,000 up to $499,999.99 (“Option1 BMO Mortgage”):
1b. $2,000 Offer:
Apply for a new BMO Mortgage for the purpose of a new property purchase, or a switch of your existing mortgage from another financial institution
between November 8, 2023 to January 31, 2024, for a principal amount of $500,000 up to $749,999.99 (“Option 2 BMO Mortgage”):.
1c. $3,000 Offer:
Apply for a new BMO Mortgage for the purpose of a new property purchase, or a switch of your existing mortgage from another financial institution
between November 8, 2023 to January 31, 2024, for a principal amount of $750,000 up to $999,999.99 (“Option 3 BMO Mortgage”):
1d. $4,000 Offer:
Apply for a new BMO Mortgage for the purpose of a new property purchase, or a switch of your existing mortgage from another financial institution
between November 8, 2023 to January 31, 2024, for a principal above $1,000,000 (“Option 4 BMO Mortgage”):
2. Your application must be funded within 130 days from the rate guarantee start date.
3a. Open a BMO Canadian Dollar Primary Chequing Account (a “Chequing Account”) with a Practical, Plus, Performance, AIR MILES®† or Premium Plan
(each, an “Eligible Plan”) and set up a Chequing Account as the funding account for the new BMO Closed Term Mortgage.
3b. Use an existing Chequing Account with an Eligible Plan as the funding account for the new BMO Closed Term Mortgage.